5 Easy (and Instant) Ways to Go Bold in Your New Kitchen, for a Pop of Personality

So your kitchen is done. The lights are on, the walls are painted, the semi custom cabinets installed, the floor newly swept, and the trim in place. You love it! All of your kitchen design choices were spot on. But… but… something is missing. Oh, yes, the personality!

It’s easy to get so caught up in the big buys—the semi custom cabinets, the appliances, the sinks and countertops—that the details get lost in the shuffle. But that’s okay! Your dream kitchen is in! The canvas is laid and only awaits a few details to add the finishing touches and give it a spark of personality.

And that’s easy to do.

If your new kitchen is looking just a tad too new, here are five easy ways to add a big, bold pop of color…that you can easily change out later if you tire of it.

  • A big, bold rug: Oh my, the choices in rugs these days! So much color, so many bold designs, from floral to geometric to subtle to splashy. Throw down a throw rug and see if that doesn’t liven up your new space—plus keep your feet comfy while cleaning up.
  • A big, bold piece of art: Art today is so much more than just a cheap poster as in our college days. You can get a photo of your dog blown up and treated to look like a big canvas painting. You can find huge, beautiful images that are sure to fill an empty wall space and add that touch of flair your new kitchen craves. (A note on art: We advise against hanging any art of real value in your kitchen. The heat and moisture of a typical kitchen will cause damage to a piece of real art.)
  • Big, bold brass pots: Not many people cook with brass, but they make for a showy display hanging from a pot rack or stacked on a shelf!
  • Big, bold furniture: Why settle for boring bar stools when you can look for something totally different? Paint wooden stools a bright color. Choose copper stools, or stools with an outrageous design. Look for wicker bar stools, or choose something elegant. Your goal here is pop and personality, remember!
  • A big, bold surprise: What if you added a huge, vintage cabinet or shelf to your kitchen? Or mounted a deer head to the wall? Or a mirror? Think outside the box, for something that adds pizzazz to your kitchen in a surprising (but attractive) way.

You’re adding details with each choice you make for fixtures and drawer pulls too. A kitchen is made up of many parts! But for the big, bold pop of personality to liven up your new kitchen, go for the big, bold kind of details like those we’ve described here!

(And if your dream kitchen is still in the making, take a look at our semi custom cabinet choices, available in gorgeous stains and finishes, but also in the color of your choice.)